Frequently Asked Questions · Covid-19

Wojo has been working since March 2020 with the SOCOTEC group, leader in risk management (especially in sanitary matters), to build a “Safe & Healthy Workplace / Covid-19” label and welcome you safely in our spaces.

By clicking on the button below, you will find the answers to your questions about the sanitary measures implemented in our sites.

Rules of procedure

This document is the Internal rules of the Business Centre (hereafter the “Internal Rules”). It, as the case may be, supplements the internal rules pertaining to the Building which will be provided to the Beneficiary when the spaces are handed over.

The Internal Rules are established by the Centre’s Management and may be modified at any time, without affecting the other clauses of this Contract, for reasons notably pertaining to the security and/or the health and safety of the Centre or of the Building.

These Internal Rules are applicable to the Beneficiary and their associates (hereafter the “Beneficiary” or “Beneficiaries”) and they govern the use of the Centre. They can be consulted in the Centre by any user as displayed on the walls or digitally on the WOJO website:

The Beneficiary acknowledges that they have read them and accept them without reserve or exception and with no further formality required.


  1. The opening hours of the coworking space are on display at the reception area of the Centre. Private office space can be accessed 24/7 with the membership card.

  1. All keys, cards, entry badges and membership cards that WOJO allows the Beneficiary to use remain the property of WOJO. The Beneficiary must not make copies of them and/or allow anyone to use them without prior written consent from WOJO. Any losses must immediately be reported to WOJO and the Beneficiary must pay any fees resulting from replacement of the access keys/cards/badges as well as replacement of locks if required. This rule is necessary to ensure the security and the safety of the Centre. If the Beneficiary is authorised to access the Centre at times when the WOJO team is absent, it is the Beneficiary’s responsibility, when they leave, to lock the doors of their offices as well as those the Centre. This is to ensure the security of the Centre’s premises and occupants.

  1. Insets and signs in the corridors are provided for the Beneficiary to place their logo outside the spaces they use under the provisions of this contract. Any other signs or distinguishing features which can be visible from outside the rooms of the office space are subject to written approval from WOJO (acting reasonably). The Beneficiary must not stick anything to the windows, the walls or any other part of the office or the Centre. The Beneficiary must not make any alterations or additions to the offices or any other area in the Centre without prior written consent from WOJO (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed).

  1. The Beneficiary must take good care of all elements in their office area, the equipment, the layout, and the furniture used by them. They will take care not to alter any of these elements.

  1. The Beneficiary undertakes not to obstruct corridors and passageways, technical areas, material, or equipment required for correct operation of the areas made available. Notably in the Office space, access to ventilation/air conditioning, blinds, and windows.

  1. Security advised is provided by the Centre’s team when the Beneficiary arrives.

  1. Safety, hygiene, health, and security rules, as well as those relating to respect of labour laws will be on display in the work areas.


  1. The Beneficiary must not leave the doors in the corridors, the exit doors or the landing doors open during or after office opening hours. No corridor, hall, lift or stairway must be obstructed by the Beneficiary or used for any purpose other than that of entering and leaving. The Beneficiary may only use shared spaces with the agreement of WOJO, such spaces needing to be kept in a clean and tidy state at all times. The windows must also be closed when the Beneficiary leaves at the end of the day. Due to hygiene and safety reasons, the Beneficiary may under no circumstances install, in offices or common areas, coffee machines, kettles, microwaves or other household electrical equipment.

  1. The Beneficiary may in no case install cables, specific IT equipment other than a laptop computer (or an office computer), a personal printer, coworking IT devices or telecommunications connections without prior written consent from the Service Provider, who reserves the right to refuse installation or to have it carried out by a sub-contractor, according to their own evaluation. The same applies to any non-office equipment or domestic appliances.

  1. The Spaces made available are for office use only. The Beneficiary may not carry out any mechanical activities in the Centre, must not cook there nor allow any oil-, petrol- or kerosene-based fuel to be used in the building for heating or for lighting purposes. No element considered to be dangerous, explosive or flammable may be brought into the Centre. No dangerous gas, smell or liquid is allowed. No firearms are allowed.

  1. Electricity will only be used for ordinary lighting and for the electrical power supply for personal computers and small appliances unless prior written consent is obtained from WOJO which sets out a jointly agreed price. If the Beneficiary requires any specific installation in terms of electric, telephone or IT wiring, this will be carried out at the Beneficiary’s expense by the personnel and/or companies selected by WOJO.

  1. The Beneficiary may not proceed to set up workstations without the authorisation of the Service Provider. They may not set up equipment or install furniture which hinders or modifies access areas or corridors nor to proceed to set up workstations in shared areas, in the hall or in any other areas. They will only set up in the office allocated to them, in the private office spaces or in the coworking areas.

  1. The Beneficiary may not bring any animals into the building, the only exception being for animals which aid people with disabilities.

  1. Membership cards can be used in all the coworking areas of WOJO Centres, depending on the number of places which are available.

  1. The Beneficiary must not use the WOJO Centre to manufacture and/or store goods (aside from small IT equipment) unless such storage arises due to the office’s main activity. Areas are provided in the Centre for this purpose.

  1. The beneficiary will not use any part of the Centre to manufacture, sell, promote, or use alcohol, drugs, or tobacco in any form. Similarly, the Beneficiary will not allow any part of the WOJO Centre to be occupied or used to that effect.

  1. No supplementary lock or padlock of any kind may be placed by the Beneficiary on the doors, storage areas or windows of the WOJO Centre. No alteration will be made to the existing locks or mechanisms.

  1. The offices and meeting rooms are reserved for private meetings, unless a written authorization is issued by the Service Provider. Public meetings noticed by posters, press or internet are strictly prohibited.

  1. Canvassing, hawking and door-to-door sales are forbidden in the building where the Centre is located. The Beneficiary may not canvass other Beneficiaries with a view to making sales or for any other purposes. WOJO will organize and propose events, meetings, and conferences in order to develop business relationships within the Centre.

  1. All goods belonging to the Beneficiary or to one of their employees, representatives or guests will be the sole responsibility of these people and WOJO can in no way be held responsible for damage to or theft of these belongings.

  1. No smoking is allowed in any of the shared or private areas, including the meeting rooms and the garden/terrace. Smoking is allowed in outdoor areas. Consumption of alcohol provided by WOJO in the Centre will be strictly limited to the conditions set out in the applicable regulations. Illicit substances are prohibited in the Centre.

  1. The Beneficiary or their directors, administrators, employees, shareholders, partners, agents, representatives, co-contractors, beneficiaries, or guests may not harass or abuse the members of the WOJO team, the other Beneficiaries, or their guests, whether verbally or physically, in the WOJO Centre for any reason at all. Any failure to respect this will result in immediate termination of the Contract and suspension of services under the conditions set out in Article 6.b) of the General Conditions.

  1. The Beneficiary shall be liable for all damage caused to the Centre’s spaces, equipment, fittings and furniture relating thereto, committed by its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, partners, agents, representatives, co-contractors or guests.

  1. WOJO reserves the right to suspend its services and/or to terminate the Contract with immediate effect if WOJO discovers that its equipment or addresses are being used for any fraudulent activity or an activity which is likely to break any legislative or regulatory provisions.


  1. WOJO may agree to specific arrangements for use of the premises outside of normal opening hours of the WOJO offices or outside of the usual working days of the Centre. These specific arrangements are likely to give rise to a supplementary invoice which may be mentioned when the Beneficiary makes a request for such supplementary services.

  1. Any request for alteration of the Beneficiary’s legal name must be sent in writing and within fifteen (15) days to the Centre’s manager, along with the legal document proving this alteration to meet the legal requirements with regard to the relevant competent authorities (Tax Office, Social Contributions Authority, Court Clerk). Any invoices issued prior to such a request being made will be made in the previous name of the company and will not be modified.

  1. The legal documents referred to in the Specific Conditions must be supplied at most one (1) month after the Contract is signed. If this obligation is not met, WOJO may immediately terminate the Contract, at the sole fault of the Beneficiary.

  1. The Beneficiary recognises that the signature and execution of the Contract gives them no licence and, more generally, no intellectual property rights, meaning that they cannot use or reproduce the name WOJO or WOJO EXPLOITATION FRANCE or any commercial name, brand, logo or distinctive sign of the Service Provider in any way whatsoever or for any reason as part of their activity, including on their commercial material or documents.


  1. The Beneficiary must respect the following main obligations:
  • supply the name of the user as well as the make, the model and the number plate of vehicle parked in the car park by the latter,
  • not leave any vehicle parked in the traffic corridor nor to leave any goods or objects in these corridors which may hinder movement of vehicles,
  • only use any parking spaces made available for the intended use and not to make any alterations to it (in all cases, the provision of car parking spaces is for strictly civil or private purposes, excluding any possible commercial use),
  • maintain the parking space in good condition and hand it back over in good condition when they have finished using it,
  • in case of any accident or damage which are the responsibility of the user, to immediately restore the area to a fully usable condition,
  • immediately inform WOJO of any accidents or degradation which may affect the area provided, even if no obvious damage is incurred,
  • only use the provided space to park a private motor vehicle, or a motorbike or scooter,
  • the Beneficiary acknowledges that it is forbidden to have any fuel storage or any solid or liquid products which may cause a fire,
  • insure their vehicle against fire, explosions, and theft as well as risks of recourse by taking out Insurance with a solvent company and proving that the relevant premiums have been paid to WOJO upon request,
  • to place no object of any type in the parking space in question.

In all cases, provision of a parking space occurs upon a personal basis; it cannot be transferred in any way or sublet. No transfer of occupancy rights by the Beneficiary can be valid in WOJO consideration.


  1. The Beneficiary (including the persons authorized by the Beneficiary to use the premises in the conditions of the Contract) must respect the following main obligations:
  • respect the opening hours of the Fitness Centre,

–     respect the material made available to WOJO customers and as such do not steal or degrade it and replace it in its original location,

–     make sure you have the physical capabilities and health conditions needed to use the Fitness Centre. As such, WOJO disclaims any liability for any health problem that results from the use of the Fitness Centre,

–     adopt decent outfit and behavior adapted to the use of the Fitness Centre in the respect of good morals,

–     do not allow access to the Fitness Centre to anyone other than those holding a WOJO card.

Any breach of the rules may result in the compensation of WOJO for any loss suffered and / or the immediate termination of the Contract under the conditions provided for in Article 6.b) of the General Conditions.


  1. When, due to the configuration of the Spaces made available to the Beneficiary, the latter enjoys a private terrace (hereinafter the “Terrace“), he undertakes de facto to:
  • respect the capacity of the Terrace indicated in the Specific Conditions of Sale concluded with Wojo ;
  • to behave in a reasonable manner on the Terrace and to comply with the safety standards;
  • not to damage the outdoor furniture belonging to the Service Provider beyond normal wear and tear, nor the green spaces on the Terrace;
  • to respect the neighbourhood (prohibition of noise pollution);
  • not to smoke on the Terrace;
  • ensure strict access (24/7) to the Terrace by Authorised Persons only.

Any breach of the above rules may result in the compensation of WOJO and/or any third party for any loss suffered and/or the immediate termination of the Contract under the conditions provided for in Article 6.b) of the General Conditions.


  1. Introduction

This paragraph constitutes WOJO policy concerning internet connectivity under which the Beneficiary may use the Centre’s Telecommunication and Internet services and equipment.

As a Service Provider, WOJO undertakes to supply an Internet connection which is managed and protected by a firewall for interconnection with dark fibre for encrypting and securing of all information leaving WOJO.

Under reserve of the general and specific conditions of the internet access supplier, the level of internet services is as follows:

  • WOJO provides the Beneficiary with an internet connection allowing them to continue with their regular activities such as surfing the web, sending, and receiving electronic communications and accessing business applications as well as similar content.
  • WOJO‘s internet connection relies on a rented symmetrical connection or a similar technology shared with other WOJO Beneficiaries within the same WOJO office building.
  • The Beneficiary thereby has a symmetrical connection in compliance with the bandwidth selected by the Service Provider of 2 x 100Mb with a burst of 1Gb (“Internet Bandwidth”).
  • The standard service does not supply a public IP address but does provide the possibility of buying one and deploying it.
  • The internet availability level is 99.95%.
  • WOJO‘s Network Operations Centre (“NOC”) is available twenty-four (24) hours a day and seven (7) days a week upon request to one of the Centre’s teams.
  • The internet access guarantee consists of an Intervention Guarantee Time (“IGT”) of two (2) hours and a Restoration Guarantee Time (“RGT”) of four (4) hours for each of the double adduction dark fibre connections.

To complement this standard service, the Beneficiary may subscribe to paid services, notably:

  • The option of deploying public IP addresses.
  • The option of using solutions based on a server requiring incoming connectivity (such as an FTP, Web ore-mail server, for instance).
  • The option of using VPN connections “site to site”.
  • Provision of UCaaS (“Unified Communication as a Service”) telephone lines.

The Service Provider does not supply any assistance or technical support service.

Internet connection interruptions may occur for maintenance or updates, in case of urgent repair work or in case of a telecommunications system outage or other technical problems which are outside the remit of the Service Provider. The Service Provider cannot be held responsible for cases of force majeure, cyberattacks (pirating, hacking, etc.), of telecommunications and computing networks (notably internet) or power cuts, etc., notably when these events cause lateness, errors which is not due to its own actions.

  1. WOJO’s internet and telecommunications policy

The Beneficiary acknowledges that WOJO only represents a simple channel for the internet transmissions carried out by the Beneficiary, much like an internet service provider, and WOJO takes no responsibility for the content transmitted by the Beneficiary.

The Beneficiary uses WOJO’s internet service under their own exclusive responsibility. WOJO’s internet connection should only be used in accordance with applicable legislation and its usage should in no way infringe national or international criminal or civil law or any other governmental standards. Such violations include, but are not restricted to, theft or violation of copyright, of commercial trademarks, commercial secrets or any other kind of intellectual property; fraud; counterfeit; theft or embezzlement of funds, credit cards or personal data; infraction of legislation and regulations pertaining to export control; calumny and defamation; threats of physical attacks or harassment; or any other behaviour which constitutes a criminal or civil offence.

The Beneficiary undertakes to ensure the security and basic protection of their systems against viruses to prevent use by any third parties which does not comply with the Contract for provision of coworking or private office space. The Beneficiary is required to take the necessary correctional measures on any systems which have weaknesses, or which can easily be taken advantage of in order to prevent any illicit usage. It is also down to the Beneficiary to take all necessary measures to protect their data and the software stored on their computer, notably against infection by viruses or spyware which may be introduced by third parties via the internet and the Service Provider cannot be held responsible for in case of damage or deletion of data for such a reason.

The Beneficiary guarantees that the use of the network and of the internet will be exclusively for the purposes of their activity and for their corporate aims as described in the Specific Conditions. They and their associates or users are forbidden from participating in any illegal downloading, hacking, and pirating. The Beneficiary will forbid their users from visiting any propaganda or terrorist websites, as well as any website containing child pornography or pornography of any kind. The Service Provider reserves the right to implement security measures and firewalls to restrict access to these illicit sites, as well as to contact the Beneficiary’s representative, the police, or any relevant authority to inform them of any illicit activities by a user, should the Service Provider become aware of it.

WOJO’s range of services includes the provision of UCaaS telecommunications lines to its Beneficiaries. The Beneficiary is not permitted to avoid using WOJO’s telecommunications lines by setting up their own lines. Conversely, WOJO reserves the right, on a case-by-case basis, to authorise the Beneficiary to install direct telecommunication lines after receipt of a written request. Such authorisation will only be granted after the Beneficiary has accepted payment of the monthly fees which arise from use of direct access. The level of these fees will be set on a prior written estimate by WOJO and presented to the Beneficiary for acceptance and implementation.

The Beneficiary is not permitted to infringe the security of systems or the network. WOJO’s internet service cannot be used in the aim of attempting to violate the security of a network, a service, or any other system. Such unauthorised activities include but are not restricted to attempts to do the following: pirating, penetration, spying or unauthorised use of systems; port scanning; denial of service attacks and diffusion of viruses or any kind of malware. WOJO reserves the right to suspend access to the internet as soon as it receives a report of such abusive activities from an internet access provider. WOJO may disconnect the Beneficiary’s equipment and suspend the services if the company judges that the Beneficiary’s equipment or software are not or are no longer fit for connection with the WOJO network. The Beneficiary must ensure their own protection against viruses on their systems and all their equipment.

WOJO’s internet services are only available at WOJO Centres and connection to the WOJO network is only authorised at these Centres or via the services supplied by WOJO. The Beneficiary is not permitted to create links between the WOJO network and any other network or telecommunications service without WOJO’s consent.

WOJO reserves the right to modify this policy at any time, with ten (10) days prior notice except force majeure.

Specific requirement:

The Beneficiary must not use their own wireless access points. Use of a wireless router belonging to the Beneficiary will bring about termination of the Contract as specified in Article 6 of the General Conditions.

WOJO will not supply any service level contract to the Beneficiary concerning the service or the loss of service as part of its internet services. WOJO cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damage, notably the loss of usage arising or resulting from the WOJO services contract and/or the loss of service or the degradation of connectivity/internet access stipulated in the service Contract, even if WOJO has been informed of the possibility of such damage. This provision will apply within the limits authorised by the law, independently of any negligence or fault on the part of one or other of the Parties.


  1. WOJO undertakes to use all necessary means to comply with its obligations in terms of safety, security, and hygiene within its premises, without prejudice to those incumbents on its lessor.

To do so, WOJO provides in particular:

  • control of access to the building (permanent video surveillance and alarms; intercom systems and badges),
  • securing the network and its own computer software,
  • the effectiveness of fire detection and fire-fighting systems,
  • signage in case of evacuation,
  • compliance with hygiene regulations and standards.

  1. The Beneficiary undertakes to respect its obligations of safety and security towards its employees in its capacity as employer.

To do so, the Beneficiary shall provide:

  • “safety and prevention” training for its employees and collaborators, as long as this does not require the use of the Centre’s safety and security equipment (in this respect, the Beneficiary may be advised by the Centre’s Manager, so that the training of the employees of the various Beneficiaries of WOJO services is harmonised),
  • the appointment of a guide, a queuing person, and their substitutes from among its employees and collaborators, if it is the main occupant of a floor of the Centre (according to the percentage of positions occupied) or if it is the only occupant,
  • the transmission of the list of the above-mentioned persons to the Manager of the Centre, updated in the event of changes (sick leave, maternity or paternity leave, resignation, or dismissal, etc.).

  1. In the event of damage resulting from a breach of its own obligations, the Beneficiary may be held liable.

  1. The Beneficiary or its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, partners, agents, representatives, co-contractors, Beneficiaries, or guests shall comply with the health measures laid down by the Centre, particularly in the event of a pandemic. 


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